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Writer's pictureRheingans for State Rep

Michigan's Mental Health Crisis

I’m passionate about addressing mental health and substance use disorder issues in our community. I watched my mother struggle with both health conditions as I grew up. My mother died young, before she could even meet my daughter, because of those chronic conditions. Today, we have a mental health crisis in Michigan - and across our nation - and I have the passion, policy and personal experience, technical expertise, and cross-sector relationships to accelerate our state’s work to address the systems issues facing our mental health sector.

Michigan is a leader in innovative models to address mental health and substance use disorders, and I currently work as a member of the team responsible for rolling out Michigan’s opioid and behavioral health homes, implementing our new Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics, and building and expanding our crisis infrastructure. Just this week, even President Biden announced a national mental health strategy that will include increased funding and programs to expand our mental health provider capacity and improve patient access to care.

I’m running for State Representative in the 47th district to use my skills bringing people together to address complex systems issues so we can build on this momentum and address the mental health crisis here in our community. Mental health and substance use disorder care are crucial building blocks of healthy people, healthy families, and healthy communities.

To support our campaign and send more people with mental health expertise to Lansing, we are asking that you contribute $10, $25, $50, $100, or any amount you can. We’ve got a lot of work to do in the next five months until election day.

Let’s address this mental health crisis together,

Carrie Rheingans

PS: If you know others who are passionate about mental health, please forward this email and invite them to follow my campaign!

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